Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What my family does when the lights go out!

What my family and I do when the lights go out in the house is get a flashlight out and check the power box to see if it was something we did or anything we can fix. If it isn't anything we are capable of fixing, then we use the flashlight and fine some matches or lighters to light some candles. Then we just go back to doing whatever we were doing before, unless it was a electronic thing. We always have a flashlight in the same place just in case this occurs. We do not have a huge routine that we follow. We just kind of deal with the situation as it occurs. That is probably not the best thing to do but this is what we do when the lights go out in our house. I am writing this blog off of this blogging challenge.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Here in Wisconsin there is alot of open fields, we have pretty flat land, we also have alot of farms. Cows are definitly a must see if you come to Wisconsin. Also, you have to visit our HUGE water park called Wisconsin Dells. Wisoconsin Dells is such a blasct. There is all sorts of entertainment. Such as, roller coasters, water slides,and amusement rides. They also have a varity of boat toars. They have indoor and outdoor parks. There is something for everyone to enjoy.

My Animal Farm Animal...(Old Major)

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Friday, March 12, 2010

Blog Pictures

I beleive it is okay to display pictures of yourself on blogs but only if it is a distant picture, group picture, or a cartoon picture of youself. If you can make your profile private, you should do that. Also, there are only certain types of pictures that are appropriate to display. You should not have pictures of drinking or and pictures that can be taken in any sort of sexual way. I wouldn't ever put pictures like that online because once they are on there, anyone can see them.