Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My own learning blog...

The hardest thing for me to do at school is to consintrate and do my homework. My hardest class would have to be World Cultures/ Economics. I think that class is hard for me because it doesn't interest me. I enjoy learning how to write stories and poems. I also enjoy learning how to use new creative websites. For example, I liked Glogster when that was introduced to me. I like to learn anything that lets me show my artistic side or that involves my imagination. If I could learn anything right now, I would like to learn how to edit pictures on the computer. Not just lik on Picnik but in the way Photographers do. Example. Example 2. When I get out of high school, I'd either like to go to college to become a photographer or a cosmetologist. I really enjoy both and could see myself doing both. It's a very hard choice, if I become a cosmetologist, I'd not only do hair but makeup and nails too. Cosmetology. Another example. Photography would also be fun because there is so much beauty and potential in one picture and I'd get to use my creative side to edit pictures. Photography Example.

wed 2.0 tools

This website is called Picnik. There is free sigh up. On this website you can edit your pictures. We could use picnik in school to edit pictures to put them on posters or our blogs. This is fun and I think alot of use would use it and have a fun time. I don't know how useful it would be but it would be something new a different.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Now that I have had even more practice with writing, I think that I have improved on putting more details and connecting in a way with the reader through emotions. I also learned that it makes it easier for the reader to get interested when you make it so that they can picture what is going on in their mind. I have a difficult time with the talking in stories. It seems to sometimes not flow as well, when I add that into my story. I think I get very detailed with my writing and creative. I try to make things interesting and exciting, as much as I can. I think over all I am good at putting my five sences into my writings, to give a feeling. I am really bad with run on sentences. I have been working on it though, but then sometimes I don't put enough into my sentences because I get too worried about going on too much. Over all I think I have gotten better though.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My country I would like to visit.

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I choose this country because I thought it would be very interesting talking with someone from such a different world. I already know that they have a very strong accent and are very respectful of the animals. I would ask them what their everyday life was like and ask them what they did for fun?