Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Last Blog for the School Year!

Well, the school year is ending and this is my final blog. I have made over 40 blogs already! About 8 were on my own and the rest were related to school. I have had 9 comments added to my blog over this period of time. There wasn't just one post that recieved the most comments. There was a tie between two of my poem blogs. I think they recieved the most comments because most people don't have glogs with poems on their blogs. Those were the posts that i enjoyed doing the most because I love writing poema when I find the time. My blog themes changed alot, I jump around from subject to subject a lot. I have three widgets and I believe that is enough because if you have too much people will get lost in them and not read your blogs. I asked Sabrina to view my blog and her first impression was wow you blog alot. What caught her attention was my giraffe in the top left corner. The distractions were there twerling things on my glogs of poems. She suggestest to not write so much and add more pictures to draw attention to viewers. Thank you to all that veiw my blogs! See you next year!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Teens using cell phones!

Now a days teens are on their phones constantly, many times when they shouldn't be. For example, many teens are on their phones in some sort of way while driveing. Did you know that one in every three teens text while they are driving and one in every two teens talk on the phone one again while driving. Teens tend to use their phones in a very inappropriate way. They sext, what this means is they talk sexually through texts or send nude or almost nude pictures of themselves. It is a proven fact that girls text more than guys. This is the new technology that is causing alot of problems with teenagers. 62% of parents take their teenagers phones away as a form of punishment. I know that my parents do that. Many parents limit use of their childs phone, look at the contets, and use their childs phone to find the location of them. Only 25% of teenagers do not own a cell phone, most teenagers own a phone and find themselves in trouble with it. 72% of teens that own a cell phone text message. Also for the one's that do text message 33% send more than 100 texts a day and 11% send over 200 texts a day. But it's more than just the textingm, us teens rely on our phones for alot of things. Our cell phones are our clocks, calendars, and our way of communication. Each year the percentage of teens owning a cell phone increases. Now there are laws being made about the uses of cell phones while driving.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Awesome bloggers!
I like her blog because she has alot of description in all her blogs and she has alot of cool hipnosis things!
I like this blog because they are very opinionated like I am. They also seem to always have a lot to say, it's not write two sentences then done!
This is a very comical blog! He has some of the most random pictures! It makes me laugh, I like it. He also writes Alot which is nice because then you know what they are talking about!
This person has alot ofnpictures to discribe what they are talking about! Also their blog is very colorful which catches the eye!!!
this student has a picture for like every blog! They also has a few videos which is neat! They also like to ice skate which is cool!

Monday, April 12, 2010

5 recommended blogs!

One blog to visit is They have very funny pictures and really get into the whole blogging deal. here is another to add to your blog roll. I liked this one because they have a very creative way of thinking and addopted some animal things on here. I liked this person's blog because they go very in depth with their writing and have a lot of pictures. This one has a lot of awesome poems. Very creative kind of person. this one also has a lot of nice poems. They also have a very nice way of insiring others.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Beast of England from the book Animal Farm!

This is the song called Beast of England that the animals sang as they started to take over the farm. This is an important song because it represents the animal's freedom.

Monday, April 5, 2010


We just came back to school today from spring break! I go to school at Seymour High School in Northern Wisconsin. We had a week off of school, I really enjoyed the time away from the homework and tests! I had alot of fun on my week off! I hung out with friends, went camping, and went to the salon and got my hair done. I love my new hair, I got high lights for summer and got a hair cut! I needed something different. It is nice to have change every once in awhile. I just wish I would have gotten a little more of a tan. I'm so excited for summer! I'm ready for the hot sun and to lay on the beach and get a nice tan! It was still nice just getting out of school over spring break though! That week went by really fast though, it was like before I knew it I was walking back into the school doors again. I was not quite ready for that yet but before we know it will be out of school for the summer.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What my family does when the lights go out!

What my family and I do when the lights go out in the house is get a flashlight out and check the power box to see if it was something we did or anything we can fix. If it isn't anything we are capable of fixing, then we use the flashlight and fine some matches or lighters to light some candles. Then we just go back to doing whatever we were doing before, unless it was a electronic thing. We always have a flashlight in the same place just in case this occurs. We do not have a huge routine that we follow. We just kind of deal with the situation as it occurs. That is probably not the best thing to do but this is what we do when the lights go out in our house. I am writing this blog off of this blogging challenge.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Here in Wisconsin there is alot of open fields, we have pretty flat land, we also have alot of farms. Cows are definitly a must see if you come to Wisconsin. Also, you have to visit our HUGE water park called Wisconsin Dells. Wisoconsin Dells is such a blasct. There is all sorts of entertainment. Such as, roller coasters, water slides,and amusement rides. They also have a varity of boat toars. They have indoor and outdoor parks. There is something for everyone to enjoy.

My Animal Farm Animal...(Old Major)

View drawing 804297 at Sketchfu
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Learn how to draw cartoons, comics, and anime at Sketchfu!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Blog Pictures

I beleive it is okay to display pictures of yourself on blogs but only if it is a distant picture, group picture, or a cartoon picture of youself. If you can make your profile private, you should do that. Also, there are only certain types of pictures that are appropriate to display. You should not have pictures of drinking or and pictures that can be taken in any sort of sexual way. I wouldn't ever put pictures like that online because once they are on there, anyone can see them.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My own learning blog...

The hardest thing for me to do at school is to consintrate and do my homework. My hardest class would have to be World Cultures/ Economics. I think that class is hard for me because it doesn't interest me. I enjoy learning how to write stories and poems. I also enjoy learning how to use new creative websites. For example, I liked Glogster when that was introduced to me. I like to learn anything that lets me show my artistic side or that involves my imagination. If I could learn anything right now, I would like to learn how to edit pictures on the computer. Not just lik on Picnik but in the way Photographers do. Example. Example 2. When I get out of high school, I'd either like to go to college to become a photographer or a cosmetologist. I really enjoy both and could see myself doing both. It's a very hard choice, if I become a cosmetologist, I'd not only do hair but makeup and nails too. Cosmetology. Another example. Photography would also be fun because there is so much beauty and potential in one picture and I'd get to use my creative side to edit pictures. Photography Example.

wed 2.0 tools

This website is called Picnik. There is free sigh up. On this website you can edit your pictures. We could use picnik in school to edit pictures to put them on posters or our blogs. This is fun and I think alot of use would use it and have a fun time. I don't know how useful it would be but it would be something new a different.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Now that I have had even more practice with writing, I think that I have improved on putting more details and connecting in a way with the reader through emotions. I also learned that it makes it easier for the reader to get interested when you make it so that they can picture what is going on in their mind. I have a difficult time with the talking in stories. It seems to sometimes not flow as well, when I add that into my story. I think I get very detailed with my writing and creative. I try to make things interesting and exciting, as much as I can. I think over all I am good at putting my five sences into my writings, to give a feeling. I am really bad with run on sentences. I have been working on it though, but then sometimes I don't put enough into my sentences because I get too worried about going on too much. Over all I think I have gotten better though.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My country I would like to visit.

View Larger Map

I choose this country because I thought it would be very interesting talking with someone from such a different world. I already know that they have a very strong accent and are very respectful of the animals. I would ask them what their everyday life was like and ask them what they did for fun?

Friday, January 29, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010

Inspiration blog

What inspired me about Eric was that even though he struggled with being blind and climbing Mount. Everst, was that no matter how hard it got for him, he did not give up. He got very fusterated at one point and thought about giving up but he didn't. He stuck to his plan and worked through that challenges and finish his journey to the top. I give him much credit for that because I don't know if I would of not given up. I think I woulh have gotten too fusterated and quit but he didn't. He kept on going until he finished his journey. I think that is amazing and alot more of us need to finish things and not give up on our goals. Even when they get to be very challenging, we should keep tring.


I would choose to have a wasp as a pet, before I would want a pet spider. A wasp is less dangerous I think and it would be alot easier to take care of. Also, I find wasp to be more interesting and they would take up less room in your house. Altough, I wouldn't know how to take care of a wasp. I wouldn't know what type of cage to have for a wasp and whet to put in the cage. Also, I don't know what a wasp all needs to survive.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Wow that last blog was a little weird. Sorry about that to all you who don't know Cueren, but it's funny. You wouldn't understand if you didn't know though.

Creeper Cueren! This goes along with Lisa's blog!!!

So there is this creeper kid in my english class and let me tell you..he is a total creeper. He is always saying these weird things, about you and things he thinks about you. He pretty much says any weird creepy thing you can ever think of. He is always watching you and has something odd to say to go along with every little thing you do. You won't ever find another creeper Cueren. He is that altimate creeper of all times. He will be a window peeper as he gets older so close you curtians and lock your doors. Creeper Cueren is on the loose. I'm just kidding. Cueren is cool but he can be weird at times. You just got to get to know him. Just kidding Cueren! I love you!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

my semester goal

My go for end the end of semester is to have all A's and B's. I want to get my grade is world cultures out of the C range. Also, I would like to do that because then my GPA will go up for the insurance company.That would be nice because then I get a discount. Also, it would make my parents very proud.

Monday, January 4, 2010

My Christmas break...

One of the things I did over christmas break was work out with Lisa and go to here house but then I got in trouble and had to go home. So, that kind of back fired on us. Another this I did was had a cook out and my Grandma's aka my Mimi's house with the family. I got to see my aunt from Minnesota that was awesome because i don't get the chance to see her much. Also, I got to hang out with the boyfriend.