Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Mount. Everest

This has to do with the Mount. Everst story. The tone of the story I worked with was the love of climbing and friendship. Some of the pictures I used showed the joy of friendship and climbing. Others showed the moutain they climbed which was Mount. Everest and the love for climbing it. I also have one picture that shows the joy/freedom of climbing. The freedom picture went with the story I think when they got to the top of Everest and stood in the open and just took everything in even they're accomplishments. Also, the love for his wife and child.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I would rather spend time studying...

I would rather spend time studying a wasp. I'm not a huge fan of spiders, but what I hate even more is snakes. Interesting facts about wasps: 1. They have blue wings. I never knew that, I always thought they were black. 2. They live on there own, not in a cluster. 3. They also live in the ground.

Monday, November 2, 2009

My digital footprint...

I don't have a bad digital footprint but I have a huge digital footprint. For example, I have email accounts and things that I don't remember my passwords. I have a hotmail, rocketmail, myspace, blogs and many other things. These are all from over the last 5 years. I try not to do or put anythings bad online that could hurt my future.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The cost of my alaskian trip...

I went onto to price my trip and plan a flight but it is very hard to find a flight to alaska so I could not find an estimated cost. But I'm guessing it is very costly and is very hard to book a flight to get there. I still would like to go there one day!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My made up holiday!

If I were to invent my own holiday it would be free day, on this day you could get one free thing from every place you went to. Wouldn't that be nice? You would be doing alot of running but hey free gas too. So, your pretty much set. Wow, that would be nice because nothings free these days and not cheap either! So, this is my made up holiday!!!

If I could go anywhere I'd go...

If I could go anywhere I wanted to I'd probably go to Alaska. But there is so many amazing places, it's hard to choose just one. I go on big trips every other year with my family. I find it so interesting to explore places and talk to people from other places. I've been to alot of places. Traveling is one of my favorite things to do but it is a very expencive hobby to have, that's for sure! But it's memories you will always have with you. One in a life time experience. It's worth the money, I take every chance I get to travel. I went to Washington DC for school a couple years ago. That was really cool. Now my brother and mom are going now. I LOVE TO TRAVEL AND SEE AND TRY NEW THINGS!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My favorite hoilday!

My favorite holiday would have to be Christmas because I get to see my family that I don't see very often. My mom makes her yummy bubble loaf bread. She only makes it for Christmas and thanksgiving. It's this bread rolled in butter and seasonings and when you bake it, it gets all big and fluffy. It's so good, but most of all I just like spending time with the family. Presents are always awesome too but thats not what is important. On Christmas eve we always go to church with my mimi (grandma) and papa Bob for candle light service. My Uncle Troy always has this lik 12 foot christmas tree. It's so cool. I also love picking out presents for pople. These are the reasons why I enjoy Christmas.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Climate Change

The climate change is affecting us because there are more rains which causes floodings and is affecting our plant growth. It is affecting everyone everywhere. The greenhouse is where gases are trapped, which give out heat by the earth. Gases are trapped in the atmosphere. Most people are enjoying the warmer weather, even though it is destroying our earth. By 2013, it will be an ice free summer. This is killing polar bears because they don't have enough time on ice to catch food. We can help global warming by turning of lights, not burning coal, and conserving water. These are all simple things we can do that can make a huge difference. So, lets help save our earth.

Resources of information: and

Thursday, October 8, 2009


I have to babysit tonight, a one year old boy and a three year old boy. I babysit every thursday, it covers my gas bill for each week. That's kinda nice. I just gotta go out and start looking for another job. I'll do that eventually. But for now I'm fine!

Oh, how i want a horse!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I chose this picture because I have a chocolate and black lab. I got my chocolate lab for my birthday about 7 years ago, and we got my black lab 8 years ago. The chocolate labs name is Angel and the black labs name is Rocky. The black lab is a hunting dog, he hunts birds. It's so funny when you get out his hunting vest or a gun or say where's the bird, he goes crazy and starts whinning! Even when your in the house and say where's the bird, he runs around and barks, then just sits by the door. Another funny things about my dogs is the chase lazer lights! I love my dogs, i don't know what I'd do without them!


Monday, October 5, 2009


I enjoy going camping and having fires. I have a seasonal site at Kastle Kampground. We have had a seasonal site there for 5 years now. I have made so many friends up there over the past 5 years. We have a 32 foot camper with 2 slide outs. It's almost lik a trailer house. My brother and I share a bedroom and my parents have there room. We also bring all of our pets with us every weekend. The meals up there are always great, we grill out or cook over the fire. One of my favorite meals is pudgy pies. (Pizza pudgy pies). It's also nice because there is a lake, pool, hot tub, and whorl pool. I have so much fun at Kastle, I can't wait to start the next season!

Friday, September 25, 2009

I Passed! YAY!!!


I'm also so excited for the game tonight...but the dance is going to be so much more fun!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

road test today!

Well, I'm going for my road test today! I am so excited and want to pass so I can drive for homecoming but I am a nervous reck. I don't know how to calm down but all I can think about is "What If" I do something wrong and I'm just paniking about what's going to happen. Everyone keeps telling me I'm going to do just fine but I still am getting those "What If 's." Hopefully I pass then I can drive to school and not have to worry about getting rides from friends anymore! I can't wait!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I'm so excited to dress up for the homecoming game...and to see Hortonville loose. Hopefully! Also, I can't wait to dress up and get my hair done for the homecoming dance and dance the night away with all my friends. My dress is black, white, and was really fun triing on a million dresses. Well, maybe not a million but alot! :) I ended up getting by dress at Deb! That store has so many cute dresses which made it so hard to decide what dress to get?!?! I'm excited to get my lisence but supper nervous at the same time! I really want to pass because then I can drive to homecoming and not worry about finding rides from people any more! I'm going to feel so much older, once I can drive. My life is going to change so much but in a good way!

english this year!

I really enjoy this english class. I like blogging. I also, enjoy the computer work for english because it is faster and we don't have any homework. One less subject of homework! And I still get alot! But not so much that I don't have any spare time for friends and other things I want to do...but there is always time for friends! You just find away to make time!!! :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

5.gif image by cherrbam

This is my favorite animal. I also chose this picture
because it shows love and care. And im a very
caring/loving person. I also am starting to collect giraffe

Thursday, September 3, 2009

blogging in english class!!!

idk what to write in a school blog?

did u think of anything cuz i didnt...

ive never did a blog for a class b4.
this is kinda weird!